SAP Information Lifecycle Management. Всеобъемлющее руководство
Освойте SAP ILM, от управления хранением до управления жизненным циклом пользовательского кода. Следуйте пошаговым инструкциям и ознакомьтесь со всеми основными функциями, включая создание политик, ведение судебных дел, блокирование, удаление и архивирование данных. Независимо от того, используете ли вы SAP S/4HANA, SAP S/4HANA Cloud или SAP ERP, вы найдёте подробную информацию, необходимую для настройки и использования SAP ILM. Контролируйте и защищайте свои данные! Вы также узнаете как подготовиться к выводу системы из эксплуатации, как реализовать проект GDPR и многое другое
SAP Master Data Governance. Всеобъемлющее руководство
Готовы улучшить обработку своих основных данных? Пройдите через внедрение, настройку и использование SAP Master Data Governance (SAP MDG)! Независимо от того, требуются ли вашей организации пользовательские приложения или она работает с готовыми централизованными системами управления, консолидации и массовой обработки, вы найдёте подробные инструкции для каждого шага и для SAP ERP и для SAP S/4HANA. От моделирования данных, процессов и пользовательского интерфейса до репликации и улучшения качества данных - совершенствуйте свои данные! Создавайте собственные приложения и оценивайте варианты установки и развёртывания!
Enterprise Information Management with SAP
Learn how to effectively manage your data with the tools in SAP's EIM offerings. From SAP Data Services to the latest solutions like SAP PowerDesigner and SAP HANA Cloud Integration, you'll learn what the different products are and how they work together. Then, get started using them for common tasks with the help of step-by-step instructions and guiding screenshots. This is the resource you need to make sure your enterprise is sitting on a solid foundation—of clean data!
Data Provisioning for SAP HANA
Before making data available in SAP HANA, you must standardize, integrate, and secure it—that’s where data provisioning comes in. In this guide, you’ll learn about each of your options, from SAP HANA-based tools like SDI and SDQ to SAP Data Services and SAP LT Replication Server. Whether you’ll be provisioning data in batches or in real-time, you’ll understand when to use each tool, its requirements, and how it works. Detailed case studies will show you how to establish a successful data provisioning practice!
When it comes to data migration, choosing the right approach for your organization can be overwhelming. This comprehensive guide not only leads you through project planning, but also gives you step-by-step instructions for executing your migration with LSMW, SAP Data Services, the batch input technique, and more. Whether you’re implementing SAP ERP, moving to the cloud, migrating to SAP S/4HANA, or replacing a legacy system, let us smooth the way.
SAP Data Services - The Comprehensive Guide
It's time to extract, transform, and load your skills on managing enterprise data! With this book on SAP Data Services, you'll be an expert in no time. After learning about topics like planning, blueprinting, and integrating SAP Data Services, you'll get into the core of the book: detailed steps on how to perform Data Services tasks. Get the skills you need for your daily job, from basic tasks like designing objects, to advanced duties like analyzing unstructured text.
Archiving SAP Data—Practical Guide
In the face of large data accumulation, data archiving plays a vital role in maintaining SAP system performance while adhering to legal requirements. Strategize and execute your SAP data archiving plan with this guide! Begin with the basic principles, before diving into tools for storage and transactions for accessing archived data. Whether you’re using a classic approach or SAP Information Lifecycle Management, get the know-how you need to clean out the clutter in your SAP system.
SAP Master Data Governance - The Comprehensive Guide to SAP MDG
Ready for the next generation of master data management (MDM)? Meet SAP MDG! Start by understanding the deployment options and main data domains. With the basics under your belt, build a firm foundation in data, process, and UI modeling. Take your skills to the next level with complete coverage of data quality, search, and consolidation functionality. Finally, learn to replicate data into different systems or migrate it altogether. Master your master data!